We are a community of professional artists interested in investigating the language of photography and film and exploring ideas that surrounds the time based medium in theory and praxis by offering screenings, workshops and seminars on art, photography and film throughout the year.
Philosophy Salon with Ingo Farin:
What does it mean to be Human in the 21st Century
The philosopher Immanuel Kant famously asked three questions: What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope for? He also added another question, being the foundational one, what is the human being? Michel Foucault suggested that this comes down to asking what our present historical situation is and how we understand ourselves in it. In the spirit of this last formulation, we will discuss over a period of five weeks every Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm.
The Philosophy Salon is an open discussion forum. Ingo will give brief introductory remarks before each session. Suggestions for short readings and links will be provided throughout these five weeks. The main purpose is to facilitate a deeper exploration of our contemporary world for everyone by listening and participating in the discussions.
Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm, 12th March - 9th April 2025
coming up
PHotoBook Salon
Wednesday, 19th March, 5:00pm - 7pm
no registration required, it’s free.
Just come along and bring your favourite photobook.
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at TopSpace Studio from 5:30 to 7pm. The idea is to share and talk about our favourite photo books. This is a great opportunity to talk about photography we love, our own ideas on making a photo books, discuss editing and sequencing, share resources on publishers and printers, find out about book fairs, and generally learn more about photography and ways to publish our work. This event is free. There is tea and coffee or BYO if you fancy a glass of wine, or beer, in relaxed atmosphere in our studio.
coming up
Analogue Photography Collective
Friday, 21st March, 4pm - 5pm
at TopSpace Studio, 109 Elizabeth Street, Hobart
If you are an analog Photographer and would like to exhibit your work or just share what you do, we’d like to hear from you.
This collective is dedicated to celebrating the practice of analogue photography. Analogue photography stands as a distinct medium from computational photography. Its natural logarithmic response to light grants it an aesthetic that is instantly recognisable to analogue beings such as ourselves, complemented by its archival and artefactual qualities. This two hundred year old means of visual expression has significant untapped potential (without relying on nostalgia). We are inclusive to anyone, beginner or decades long practitioners, who share this view.